Building or buying a home can be an exciting experience. But it can also be full of stress and headaches when unexpected or unplanned situations arise.
Whether you are building or buying a home, you will need water. Knowing the water situation will help you effectively plan for a smooth transition into your new space.
Here are a few questions and suggestions to help make sure that you have everything planned for your water needs, prior to your build or purchase.
Building a Home

What water source do you plan on using?
- Well
- Pond
- City Water
- Hauled in
What types of water sources do neighbors use?
Are You Drilling a Well?
If you plan on drilling a well, ask your well driller, neighbors, and/or local water treatment dealers on what to expect from the water in the location you will be building. In some parts of our service area, water is naturally flowing, and plentiful. In other areas, there is simply no water to be found. If drilling a well, you’ll need to make sure water is in that area. The type of water your well produces will determine what type of water treatment is necessary for your home.
Here are some common water issues that we see throughout Northwest Ohio and Southeastern Michigan What’s in Your Water Blog.
Are You Digging a Pond?
When building a home, many homeowners in our area rely on their pond as their primary water source. This is a great option for those who have no water on their property, have un-treatable water, or simply want to have this viable, safe and Ohio Department of Health certified solution for their water.
If you are digging a pond and plan on using this as your primary water source, appropriate permits will need to be applied for and obtained prior to installation of the system. Approved contractors for digging pond and installing water treatment equipment are listed at local Health Departments. It is important to work with your builder, plumbers, and water treatment contractors to make sure there is viable space, plumbing and electrical considerations for your system.
Will You Have City Water?
According to the Water Quality Association, approximately 85% of the U.S. population receives water from community water systems. These systems are required to meet standards set forth by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the authority of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). If you are on city water, have a discussion with your neighbors to see how they treat their water. Many homeowners using city water have Water Softeners, Carbon Filters and Reverse Osmosis systems installed to improve the quality and/or taste of their water.
Expert Tip: We recommend having your house pre-plumbed for water treatment systems. Usually, your outside systems and sprinkler systems have untreated water.
Buying a Home

Water is important to consider when buying a new home. Many of the above points noted in the “Building a Home” section also apply to buying a home, but here are some specific questions you can ask that will help you better understand the water situation prior to purchasing a home.
What water source supplies the home?
- Well
- Pond
- City Water
- Hauled in
Does the home have a water treatment system in the home?
- Is it working?
- What is the approximate age of the system?
- What water treatment provider installed the system?
- Has it been properly maintained?
Do you like the taste of the water?
As you’re taking a tour through the home, ask the realtor or homeowner for a drink of tap water. This is also a good opportunity to experience the water pressure.
Pond Water Treatment Systems
If you have a Pond Water Treatment System, you will want to become familiar with both the system and pond in general. Here are a few resources that might be helpful:
Water Hauling
Many homes in our area rely on water being hauled to their homes. You’ll want to know what that process is, and the costs.
City Water
If the home uses city water, have a discussion with your neighbors on if they treat their water, or if they have suggestions. Many homeowners using city water have their water tested for a variety of reasons. Water Softeners, Carbon Filters and Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems are commonly used to improve the quality and/or taste of their water.

Take Control of Your Water
If you are planning on building or buying a home, we would be happy to help you take control of your water! Give us a call at 419-335-8831 or email us at to discuss your water needs.